Natalie, Sarah und über 204.199+ weitere Personen lieben Emma Grün.

Upholstery concentrate 750 ml, for carpets & sofas, suitable for all vacuum cleaners

The cleaning sensation for upholstery! Our upholstery concentrate for all wet vacuum cleaners.

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Sale price€16,95

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Volume advantages: 1 x Upholstery Concentrate

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For deep cleaning of upholstery

Against stubborn dirt

For washing vacuum cleaners & by hand

Das Problem

Upholstered furniture, carpets and car seats bring comfort and aesthetics to our living spaces. But as much as they serve us, they are vulnerable toContamination. FromRed wine stainsaboveAnimal hairto everyday dust accumulations. Many upholstery cleaners available on the market are contaminated with toxic ingredients that not only harm the environment but can also pose a health risk to people and pets. TheseCleaners can cause allergies, skin irritation and affect the air quality in our homes.

Made in Germany

Made in a family-run factory in the Black Forest.

Good for the environment

Harmless ingredients without hazard symbols, easily biodegradable.

CO2-saving shipping

Short transport routes through local production and storage.

Unsere Lösung

The Emma Grün® Upholstery Cleaner Concentrate offers the ideal answer to this problem. Developed with a focus on sustainability and safety,Our cleaner does not contain any harmful chemicalsand instead relies on highly effective, natural ingredients. By mixing, the cleaner can beflexibly adapt to a wide range of cleaning needsNot only is it gentle on colors and fibers, but it is also safe for people and pets. Whether for your sofa at home, your favorite carpet or your car seats - Emma Grün guarantees a thorough cleaning without the disadvantages of conventional cleaning products.


  1. Depending on the degree of soiling, add our sofa upholstery cleaner to a bucket or spray bottle (mixing ratio 1:20 for light soiling, 1:10 for medium soiling and 1:5 to 1:1 for heavy soiling).
  2. Then work in with a sponge or cloth in circular movements.
  3. Then leave it to work for 2-5 minutes.
  4. Wipe off the Emma Green Cleaner together with the dissolved stains, going over the surfaces several times and wringing them out regularly.

Alternatively, remove with a vacuum mop or wet vacuum cleaner.

The 750ml is enough for 150-200m² area.

Wichtig: Please test material compatibility on a hidden area before applying to a large area. Keep away from children.

Inhaltsstoffe: Coconut oil, phosphates, non-ionic surfactants, soap, fragrances

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

Bio-zertifiziert 🎉

Wir sind enorm stolz: Emma Grün ist für den Verkauf von Bio-Lebensmittel durch die Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH bio-zertifiziert (Kontrollstellen-Code: DE-ÖKO-007) Hier gibt's mehr dazu

Gründer aus Überzeugung

Geboren wurde Emma Grün aus dem Gedanken "Das muss doch nachhaltiger gehen..." und der Rückbesinnung auf alte Hausmittel wie Zuckertenside, ätherische Öle und Bienenwachs für Pflege und Reinigung.

Der Markenname steht für den Tante Emma Laden mit den ehrlichen Produkten am Eck. Emma Grün ist dabei das Pseudonym für Louis' Oma, die sinnbildlich für unser aller Omas steht, aber namentlich nicht "da irgendwo im Internet" auftauchen will. Ihr markanter Kopf ist trotzdem überall durch unser Logo.😉💚

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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Maximilian B.


Johanna S.
Wie neu

Bei der ersten Anwendung sah mein Teppich sofort viel frischer und sauberer aus.

Felix W.
Angenehmer Duft, stark

Sehr gute Reinigungsleistung und riecht angenehm.

Theresa V.

Funktioniert gut, bin zufrieden.

Elena S.
Einfache Anwendung

Super effektiv, und ganz einfach anzuwenden.
